Friday, August 6, 2010


Harold, is working all the time but, that is ok cause we are paying off student loans. However, we miss him like crazy and wish that he would quit breaking or losing his phone. he is also busy with the scouts and young men of our ward.

Emily is not so scared of the potty anymore. Yeah! She also is picking up some of our bad habits and making them her own like just shoving clothes in any drawer and calling it good or leaving dirty clothes on the floor rather than putting them in the hamper, but they are just minor things so we don't worry about them to much.

Lilly is scooting all over the place and pulling herself up on things she is very active and having a lot of fun discovering new things. She likes to play emily and is very interested in music. in church she helps direct from our seatsand sings along with everyone.. we love it!

1 comment:

Jessica Madsen said...

hello dear friends! It is so good to hear about what is new in your family. We miss you guys! Thanks for the update!